That's right, you will be sent an online form to fill in called a YACHTBOOK reference.
That's right, the seafarer will receive your reference with the final grade.
Filling in a YACHTBOOK reference is very simple. A number of guided questions are asked and for each of them a score is assigned. At the end of the assessment questionnaire the portal calculates an average grade that can be retracted by the writer before confirmation. References scoring 6 or more are positive. You can also choose to give simplified feedback but the grading criterion does not change.
It is very important! In fact, through YACHTBOOK references, our company selects seafarers and when too many negative feedbacks are accumulated, he/she is deleted from our portal. Furthermore, the positive references allow the seafarer to quickly increase the BLINK LEVEL. The accuracy of the service we offer depends on the references of our owners, captains, recruiters, etc., who are a truly important part of our team.