Terms and conditions

Last updated: April 2021

This website is the property of "Yachtbook Corporation LTD" and is made available to the user under the conditions indicated below, which are to all intents and purposes the general conditions governing the contract between the user and the provider. By using the site and its services, you declare that you accept without reservation the provisions of the terms and conditions, including the additional terms and conditions that expressly apply to services and information provided by third parties.

If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, do not register or use the website.

The terms "Ybcrew","Yachtbook", "Yachtbook LTD","Yachtbook-crew" and also "we" or “us” or “our” refer to Yachtbook Crew Corporation LTD Forest House Business Center 8 Gainsborough Road Leytonstone London, England E11 1HT.

The terms "Candidate", "Seafarer" , "Sailor" , "You" and "Your" are intended to identify any person who registers to use our services, to publish an online CV or to apply for our job offers.

The terms "Recruiter", "Owner Manager", "Master", "Yacht Manager", "Maritime Recruitment Agency" and also "You" and "Your" are intended to identify any party using our services to support their recruitment needs in the professional and amateur yachting industry.

The terms "user" and "customer" are intended to identify any person registered on the platform.

The term "Website" is intended to identify the web platform and online services provided on the following domains: ybcrew.com, ybcrew.eu, ybcrew.it, ybcrew.cloud, yachtbook-crew.biz, yachtbook-crew.cloud, yachtbook-crew.co.uk, yachtbook-crew.com, yachtbook-crew.eu, yachtbook-crew.infoyachtbook-crew.it, yachtbook-crew.net, yachtbook-crew.org, yachtbook-crew.us.

General terms

  1. The information and services available on the site are provided for the sole purpose of promoting the recruitment of seafarers by linking supply and demand between employers and candidates. You may use, print and download content from the site for that purpose only. You may not copy, display, transmit or distribute any material from the site for any purpose other than those described above. All copyright, database and other intellectual property rights in the site and the material available on the site belong to YACHTBOOK-CREW. Your use of the site does not give you any ownership rights in such materials. You agree not to use the links on this site on the web for personal purposes other than those described above and not to copy any portion of this site unless specifically authorized in writing by YACHTBOOK CORPORATION LTD to do so.
  2. YACHTBOOK will allow the Candidate and the Recruiter to access, use and interact with each other and with the site subject to these Terms and Conditions. Any third party using this service for purposes other than those specifically set out in these Terms and Conditions will be immediately blocked and banned from the website.
  3. We endeavour to ensure the continued availability of the Website and all services available on it, but we are not responsible for any consequences of interruptions, updates and/or delays. You hereby indemnify YACHTBOOK, its directors or employees from any liability, regardless of any loss arising from your use of or inability or impossibility to use the Web Site and/or the Services. YACHTBOOK may change the design and specifications of the site at any time.
  4. You agree that you will not use the Website or Services to knowingly or recklessly transmit or receive (or recklessly authorize or permit any other person to receive or transmit) material that is obscene, threatening, abusive, defamatory, false, in breach of confidence, in violation of any intellectual property right (including copyright), or which may cause anxiety to others, including racist or sexist content or material that otherwise violates any applicable code of regulations, in violation of all applicable laws, or which may cause anxiety to others through all types of content even of a mildly offensive nature that violates applicable laws, decrees, and regulations. The user is responsible for the content posted. The user is responsible for any action that generates excessive demands on "bandwidth" or contains any type of "virus", "malware" or "malicious code" that could damage our computer systems or any third party computer system. It is expressly forbidden to use any computer tools, automatic scripts or content acquisition software that has not been previously and expressly analysed and approved in writing by YACHTBOOK.
  5. Subject to the provisions of the relevant legislation and the only relevant guarantees and responsibilities, YACHTBOOK does not guarantee that the website is free of errors, content and/or functioning, that it is free of viruses and, despite the security measures applied, that there are no elements with contaminating or potentially damaging properties for the user/user's systems. YACHTBOOK will have no liability in the event of damage arising from the elements listed and described above.
  6. Except as provided for in the relevant legislation, YACHTBOOK is not responsible for the contents of the Website (including, without limitation, any opinions or comments made by third parties). All information and/or data published on the Web Site, in the Services Offered and/or on any page of the site, has been made available for informational purposes and as a guide for users only. Furthermore, YACHTBOOK does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, correctness or suitability for any purpose of the information, content and related graphics and content published on this site. The information on this site may contain technical inaccuracies and/or typographical errors. It is always your responsibility to check and verify the information and you release YACHTBOOK and its directors, employees or other representatives from all related and consequential liabilities.
  7. None of the exclusions and limitations in these terms are intended to limit any rights you may have as a consumer under local law or other statutory rights and nothing in these terms shall exclude or limit our liability to you for death or personal injury arising from our negligence or that of our employees or agents.
  8. The Website may contain links to third party websites. These links are provided exclusively as a convenience to you. YBCREW is not responsible for the content (photos, text, music, further links etc.) of these types of links and makes no representations as to the accuracy, authenticity or legality of the information contained therein. If you decide to access any linked third party websites you do so at your own risk and you acknowledge that YBCREW is not responsible for the third party content on the Website and that YBCREW cannot guarantee that the material presented on the Internet is legal. YBCREW will not restrict access to the material unless you are notified that it is illegal. In particular, you acknowledge that YBCREW is not responsible for and does not monitor the content of sources provided by third parties on the Site. However, YBCREW has the right to remove any postings, materials or other items on the Website that it believes may be illegal or that it deems inappropriate.
  9. Users agree to indemnify, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless YBCREW, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, actions, or demands. This includes, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees asserted or resulting from:
    1. Any User content or other material provided by you to our website.
    2. The use of any content on this website.
    3. Violation of these Terms. YBCREW will promptly (subject to information acquisition and operational capability) notify you of any claim, suit or proceeding.
  10. These Terms shall remain in full force and effect as long as your account is active on this Web Site. YACHTBOOK reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to act to protect its rights by taking any and all actions available under applicable law and by taking any and all technical actions permitted, including but not limited to removing User Content from its Websites and immediately terminating your account registration, including terminating your ability to access your account and/or any other Services on YBCREW, if you breach these Terms or if YACHTBOOK is unable to verify or authenticate the information, data, attachments and contacts and/or any information and in any form whatsoever that you register on our Websites. Even after your user account is deleted, certain provisions of these Terms will remain in force. YBCREW may immediately terminate, suspend or deny access to the Website and/or Services for any reason without incurring any liability to you.
  11. When you are asked to complete a registration form, the personal data you provide must be true, accurate and complete. You agree to notify us of any changes relevant to your registration. You may change any of your registration details at any time, but any changes will be monitored by YACHTBOOK with particular attention being paid to changes in your registration e-mail address. The user declares that all the data provided is true and that he/she is aware of the penalties for false declarations.
  12. Your personal data will be collected and processed by YACHTBOOK in accordance with the provisions of its Privacy Policy. You accept these terms without reservation or exception.
    1. This Agreement is personal and you may not assign, transfer, lease, or delegate all or any part of your rights and obligations to any other person, company and/or third party. The Agreement is personal and non-transferable.
    2. YBCREW reserves the right to assign or transfer all or any of its rights and obligations under this agreement to companies within the same group as YBCREW or any other third party. In the event of an assignment or transfer, notification will be given by email or published on the Site.
  13. YACHTBOOK's failure or neglect to exercise or enforce any right shall not be deemed a waiver of such right nor operate to prevent the exercise or enforcement of the same or any other right on any subsequent occasion.
  14. If any provision of this Agreement, or part thereof, is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such provision, or part thereof, shall be severed from the remaining terms, conditions and provisions which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  15. This Agreement constitutes a legally binding contract between the parties and is intended to run for an unlimited period of time until your account is terminated in accordance with its terms. YACHTBOOK reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions from time to time (including the services offered by YBCREW). Any such changes will be notified to you by e-mail or posted on the website via the home pages of the applicant or recruiter you have accessed, or simply disclosed via subsequent revisions of this agreement which will be updated on the site. You will be entitled to withdraw without penalty within 15 days of the publication and/or notification of the changes, after which time in the absence of a notice of withdrawal, all changes will be deemed to have been accepted in full without reservation.
  16. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

    Additional deadlines for candidates as crew members
  17. You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for your application form, its content and the accuracy of your CV CARD as published on the YACHTBOOK Web Site. You understand that you may be contacted directly by recruiters by e-mail, by telephone, at the contact details provided or by such other means of communication as may be arranged by YBCREW and you accept this condition. As a registered seafarer you are responsible for maintaining up-to-date IMO/STCW 78-95-2010 certificates, IMO STCW 78-95/2010 licences, medical fitness examinations, seaman's books and/or any other certification or documents required to perform the role on board. You accept that the AVAILABLE TO BOAT status on the CV CARD on YBCREW, automatically declares that all the certifications described above are valid to embark under contract immediately, or some of them may be waiting for some quick and routine renewals that could in no way hinder the schedules and/or logistics of a shipowner, captain and/or recruiter who may contact you on the basis of your Availability provided. In the latter case, you must immediately inform your contact about the renewals in progress or those to be carried out in a very short time (examples: ENG1 expired, Biennial expired, etc.).
  18. You may change all of your registration details at any time, bearing in mind that any changes will be monitored by YACHTBOOK with particular attention to the change of each user's registration e-mail address.
  19. YBCREW reserves the right to offer third party services and products to you and at any time following your registration, such offers may be made by YBCREW or by third parties. Please see our Privacy Policy for further details.
  20. The Candidate is aware that contact with the Recruiter will take place without the intervention of YACHTBOOK and that it is his/her responsibility to answer to the Employer, while the latter will be solely responsible for the proposal made and the subsequent employment pacts or agreements.
  21. YBCREW implements all available tools to ensure that there is no discrimination on the grounds of gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation and, in general, that there is no discrimination detrimental to the dignity of the person. The search tools on the site do not have any functionality to exclude candidates with disabilities. Users agree to ensure compliance with discrimination laws. The search filters include the "Sex/Gender" of the candidate, which is indispensable due to the various configurations of the boats, without any discriminatory intent. This need also arises from the distribution and organisation of crew cabins, which are often double, and it is reasonable for shipowners to separate men from women in order to meet the demands and rights regarding cohabitation on board of the seafarers themselves.
  22. The services and information provided on the site by YACHTBOOK and third party providers are intended to assist users in the process of job search and recruitment. There can be no guarantee, as indeed there is no guarantee whatsoever, of the prospects of success resulting from the information provided and services offered. It is necessary for users to verify their positions independently of the Website. You acknowledge that YACHTBOOK is not liable for any damage to your image as a natural and/or legal person and/or any damage to your career as a maritime or non maritime worker.
  23. YACHTBOOK's liability and the liability of third party providers for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of your use of this site is limited to actual direct damages and, except in cases of fraud, excludes any loss of earnings, profits or future earnings or any consequential or speculative loss. As required by law, this exclusion does not extend to death or personal injury caused by our negligence.
  24. You understand and acknowledge that you do not have ownership rights to your account and that if you delete your account it will be terminated. In this case all information contained on this website, including the CV CARD, supporting documents uploaded, jobs saved etc. will be marked as being deleted and will be deleted from the databases within a reasonable period of time and in any case not more than 180 days except for the mandatory retention as better specified and stated in the personal data processing information. Third parties may retain saved copies of user information. Some data, not classifiable as personal data, deleted by the user may remain stored in the database indefinitely. In this case, YBCREW is responsible for the storage of the data, which will never be assigned, sold, disclosed, loaned, or exposed to third parties for any reasonable reason, except as specified in the above notices. The data will be kept with the utmost description and confidentiality in compliance with the laws in force.
  25. YACHTBOOK reserves the right to delete any account and all related information after a significant period of inactivity or in the event that any of the contractual terms have been breached by the User.
  26. By registering your CV CARD on this web site you agree that CV and profile details may also be stored and displayed to recruiters on any other YACHTBOOK CORPORATION LTD owned notice board.
  27. The online CV CARD will be visible on the web by anyone in PREVIEW MODE. In this mode on the CV will not be visible: full name, email, phone numbers, social links, address, work references, YACHTBOOK references, reference contacts, names of yachts and companies where the user has worked and/or all sensitive contact details. When a shipowner unlocks the CV CARD, the obscured data will be activated and visible to the employer who will be able to make contact (the CV CARD will switch from "PREVIEW MODE" to "FULL MODE"). Depending on the chosen shipowner conditions, it will also be possible to receive or not to receive the shipowners' contact details by e-mail. As a seafarer and registered user you explicitly accept the conditions of this clause (27) without reservation or exception.
  28. By registering on the site, the user accepts that his/her CV CARD in PREVIEW version will be published online without limitation and authorises YACHTBOOK CORPORATION LTD to activate it in FULL MODE to interested Shipowners and/or Recruiters.
  29. By registering on the Site you agree to receive e-mail communications from YBCREW and its partners and/or customers. Your use of the Site is free of charge, if you do not wish to receive e-mails from YACHTBOOK you must proceed with the immediate deletion of your registered maritime account. You cannot explicitly refuse to receive e-mails from YACHTBOOK and our partners and customers without deleting your Candidate account.
  30. By registering on the Site you agree that your data on your CV CARD will be posted online and transmitted to shipowners. Data includes, but is not limited to: photographs, sensitive data, attachments of job references, contact references, attached maritime certifications, attached maritime licenses, posted work experience, skills possessed, languages known and any other information you provide on your CV CARD during registration.
  31. The user is responsible for the reference contacts included in the CV CARD such as the written references attached, the contacts of the references provided as well as the telephone numbers, e-mails, social contacts and any other type of contact of these third parties (Shipowners, Captains, Recruiters, etc.). You also declare that the contacts have authorised you to use their data and/or the written references they have provided, without limitation, and you indemnify YACHTBOOK against the consequences of any dispute or controversy arising in this respect.
  32. At the end of the compilation of the CV CARD, YBCREW will assign the candidate a level called BLINK LEVEL. The parameters used to calculate these badges are a trade secret of YACHTBOOK CORPORATION LTD. The user has no right to know the algorithm, but only to understand the elements on which these levels are based. YBCREW informs you that it is not its intention to judge or express opinions on the professionalism of the candidate, YACHTBOOK merely checks that your CV CARD is complete and well filled out according to its own standards. The BLINK LEVELs are only badges of Reference and Experience and depend on the data provided, they do not indicate in any way the professionalism of the seafarer, which is totally outside the classification. The user accepts the BLINK LEVELS classification and is aware that if he/she provides false data for registration with or without the intention of increasing his/her level, YACHTBOOK will cancel the Account immediately.
  33. Reference Contacts, YACHTBOOK References, and written Job References will always be visible to shipowners (employers, captains, recruiters and/or any person posting a job advertisement) interested in the profile for the purpose of a boarding with the modalities and limitations listed above. This rule applies to all References of a POSITIVE nature. Should you receive negative references from our shipowners (YACHTBOOK references), these will remain solely at the disposal of our company, will not be visible to anyone, and you may consult them within your account. YACHTBOOK evaluates these negative feedbacks by always comparing them with the positive ones received. As long as there is a balance between good and unsuitable references, you will meet our minimum acceptable standard. Where negative feedback is predominant, YACHTBOOK will carry out a manual analysis of the feedback and may consider suspending, terminating or deleting the user account.

    Additional terms for recruiters
  34. By completing the registration form, the user will have accepted all the terms and conditions in this document. You declare that all the data and information you provide is correct, complete and true. You also undertake to keep all your data up to date. YACHTBOOK reserves the right to terminate this contract if any of the information provided by you is not true, up-to-date, complete or if you fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions.
  35. YACHTBOOK takes appropriate measures to provide a reliable service. However, the accuracy or authenticity of any of the CVs stored in the database cannot be guaranteed. You acknowledge and agree that this is beyond the control and responsibility of YACHTBOOK, and refunds cannot be granted in the event of untrue information being submitted by candidates.
  36. You acknowledge and agree that all rights to the content provided by third parties are reserved by such third parties and that such information may not be used in any way outside the scope of this agreement. You agree not to disclose any information provided by third-party companies, whether in the yachting industry or otherwise, that cooperate with YACTBOOK LTD that are not directly related to the hiring process of the individual(s) in question.
  37. You acknowledge and agree that you are acting as a data controller for the purposes of current data protection legislation in relation to any personal data obtained in the provision of the YBCREW Services. It is your responsibility to fulfil your obligations as a data controller and to comply with the requirements for the processing of personal data as set out in the relevant policy.
  38. YBCREW will act as data controller for the purposes of current data protection legislation and will comply with its legal obligations in providing the Services.
  39. All personal data provided are stored in accordance with legal provisions. The user declares that all the data supplied and provided are at his or her disposal, acquired in accordance with legal provisions and that there are no obstacles to their disclosure to third parties. He/she agrees not to oppose in any way and with any exception the use of the information provided. You agree to be contacted for the purpose of improving the service, requesting payments and/or discussing the status of your account. You agree and undertake that you will not consider any of the provisions of this clause 37 to be a breach of any rights under the Telecommunications (Data Protection and Privacy) Regulations 1999 or any relevant applicable legislation.
  40. Resale of the services is not permitted without the prior express written permission of YACHTBOOK. Should this occur, your account will be deleted immediately without any refund, and YACHTBOOK reserves the right to take all appropriate action to protect its interests.
  41. Automatic downloading or "scraping" of our CV database, as well as copying or stealing the code and codes on the website, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate deletion of your account, without refund. Downloading using any software other than a browser is also strictly prohibited and will result in immediate deletion of your account without refund. Collective downloading of CVs is not permitted. YACHTBOOK reserves the right to take any appropriate action to protect its interests.
  42. Contacting candidates by e-mail or other means, for any reason other than recruitment, is strictly and expressly forbidden.
  43. The user agrees not to overload our servers.
  44. You will use the CV database as set out in these Terms, in any contract you have with YBCREW and in accordance with all applicable privacy and data protection laws. You agree not to disclose your data and CVs to any third party unless you are an authorised recruitment agency.
  45. You agree to deal fairly and professionally with any applicant who may respond to an advertisement you have posted and not to do any act or engage in any conduct that would bring YACHTBOOK into disrepute. You indemnify YACHTBOOK against any claim made by an individual against YACHTBOOK arising out of a breach of this obligation or any other of these terms and conditions and any subsequent litigation.
  46. YACHTBOOK does not guarantee any response to job advertisements or that the responses will be from persons suitable for the advertised job. It is your responsibility to make all necessary checks to assess the candidates. By way of example, the user shall be solely responsible for verifying that seafarers possess the necessary qualifications, characteristics, licences, maritime certifications, skills, medical examinations and seafarers' booklets to be compatible with and suitable for the employment offered.
  47. YACHTBOOK has rules regarding the content and format of job submissions posted on this website. Their purpose is to ensure that users searching the site or our database obtain results that are presented as clearly and comprehensively as possible. You agree that we may, at our discretion and without liability to you, remove from this web site any job advertisement posted in violation of these rules. The rules may change frequently, always in the manner set out in this agreement, and you are advised to consult them regularly:
    1. Job offers must refer to real and concrete boarding opportunities. It is not permitted to publish an advertisement based on doubt and uncertainty about the job on offer.
    2. The published job offer must be clear, contain the seafarer's required Role, information on the skills and certifications needed for embarkation, the type of IMO licence for deck officers and the geographical area of work of the yacht.
    3. Email addresses, URLs, phone numbers, Skype IDs and other contact details are not allowed in the job descriptions of the offer. We will remove them automatically, you agree that failure to do so may also result in the job posting not being published without any compensation from YBCREW. You agree to enter this information only where you are asked to do so by the site, but not in the job description.
    4. It is strictly forbidden to encourage applicants to leave this website to apply for jobs offered elsewhere or by any other means, in which case the account will be immediately deleted without entitlement to a refund.
    5. Advertisements that discriminate (or appear to discriminate) on the basis of sex, race, religion, sexual orientation, age or disability are illegal and may result in proceedings being taken against the advertiser. Advertisements are accepted by YACHTBOOK on the basis that the advertiser confirms that any requirement or qualification that may appear to discriminate unlawfully complies with any exemption available under the relevant legislation. Notwithstanding this confirmation, if we nevertheless believe that an advertisement may be discriminatory, we may at our discretion modify the advertisement or remove it from the Web site without any liability to you. In this case you agree that you will not be entitled to any refund of amounts paid.
    6. The advertisement must contain an adequate description of the role and not mislead the applicant; sufficient detail must be included for the seafarer to understand the nature of the role and the basic requirements for the position applied for.
  48. Job offers may be distributed and displayed through our site and our network of selected partner sites as we see fit. YBCREW also uses social pages, and you agree that YACHTBOOK may post job vacancies on these URLs as well, which is done at YACHTBOOK's sole and absolute discretion.
  49. With YACHTBOOK the user can purchase various commercial products. A package generally, but not in all circumstances, includes:
    1. The publication of a defined number of work proposals, which will have a defined time frame.
    2. The possibility of getting in touch with a defined number of seafarers, according to the available credits, in two ways: through the direct download of the CV CARDs of interest or through the acceptance of applications from seafarers who have applied for the offers you have entered.
    3. A "Cash Back" bonus: if you do not use all the credits you have purchased YBCREW will credit your Account with a bonus that can be used in the next 18 months. Once the recruiting process is over, it will be possible to obtain a further bonus by reporting the seafarers actually recruited.

      If you purchase and activate an unused product and the expiry date has passed, you will no longer be able to use the package and YBCREW will not be held liable in any way. The user declares that he/she does not expect any refund and/or compensation.
  50. The user agrees that YBCREW may change its commercial products without limitation at any time and without prior notice to users.
  51. BONUSES (Cash Back): Bonuses issued by YBCREW are never monetizable and/or redeemable in any currency and/or through any type of payment. A bonus is always issued after the purchase of a commercial product. In the period between its release and the purchase of a new product, the bonus has no value. Only when the user purchases a secondary product is the bonus applied to the user's new payment. Bonuses are non-transferable, non-cumulative and expire if not used within 18 months of their issue. In the event of the user's deletion from the site, his/her unused bonuses immediately lose their validity and the user cannot claim any refund or compensation from YBCREW. In the event of the closure of the site, transfer of the company, closure of the company, bankruptcy of YACHTBOOK Corporation LTD, all bonuses lapse immediately. In these cases, the user has no claim on YACHTBOOK CREW, since the latter is free of all claims against it, and therefore the bonuses are not due and are cancelled. The bonus is not a right of the user but a donation from YBCREW that is only valid at the time of the purchase of a product in the cases indivisible from time to time and always in relation to the purchase of a secondary product. If the secondary product transaction does not take place, the bonus is null and void. YACHTBOOK LTD may modify and/or revoke the rules governing bonuses at any time and at its own discretion. The user accepts without reservation or exception this clause N°46, knowing that if he does not want to comply with this rule he must not register on the web platform.
  52. When a commercial product is purchased, it is valid for 6 months. After this period the product will lose its effectiveness.
  53. All information provided by YBCREW is confidential, you will not disclose your password to anyone outside your company. In the event of disclosure, we reserve the right to terminate this agreement immediately and seek compensation. Passwords and service access credentials are for the exclusive use of the person to whom they have been issued. Passwords must be kept confidential and protected. We may deny you access to your account if we reasonably believe that it is being used by an unauthorised person or that you are in breach of these terms and conditions. You undertake to inform us as soon as reasonably practicable if your password is, or may be, known to any person other than those within your organisation. Upon notification of such an event, we will render such password unusable and issue a new password by a mutually agreed method (telephone, email or post).
  54. Except in cases of negligence or wilful default, YACHTBOOK is not liable for any loss, damage or claim arising directly or indirectly from any person obtaining the credentials that we have issued to you. In any event you agree without reservation that the maximum amount of any indemnity that may be awarded in respect of YACHTBOOK's acknowledged and proven liability to you in relation to any of the Services, except for death or personal injury caused by gross negligence, shall be limited to the total amount paid to YACHTBOOK during the Contract Term for the specific Service.
  55. YACHTBOOK acts as an agent and is not responsible for the content of job advertisements posted on the site by different employers/agencies.
  56. YACHTBOOK reserves the right in its sole and absolute discretion to remove any job advertisement at any time and without reason. Examples of items that may be removed include, but are not limited to:
    1. those that YBCREW considers illegal, inappropriate, fraudulent and discriminatory;
    2. those that directly or indirectly charge or request application or registration fees;
    3. those advertising franchises, pyramid schemes, network marketing or get-rich-quick schemes;
    4. those that have been published or duplicated indiscriminately in several areas;
    5. those advertising websites, services, companies, business opportunities and/or contact details;
    6. those that advertise several positions in one job posting;
    7. those outside the area of interest of this website, i.e. professional and amateur yachting;
    8. those who do not comply with the compilation rules described in this contract;
    9. those containing advertisements, advertising banners and any instrument of an advertising nature;
  57. Payment terms:
    1. You agree to pay the entire balance of the commercial product purchased prior to the commencement of the service. You acknowledge and agree that in the event of your bankruptcy as an individual or as a legal entity, we may terminate your account, immediately cancel this agreement and take legal action to recover monies owed to us, if these monies have not been received by us for any reason whatsoever.
    2. The user accepts YBCREW's payment structure as explained on the site.
    3. We may agree payments for commercial products of different types. Our commercial offers are not static but may change continuously at the unlimited description of YBCREW and without any notice to users. If a payment fails, irrespective of the cause, the purchased service will not commence and if it is in progress, it will be immediately discontinued until we receive the amounts due from our company.
  58. The terms and conditions of this agreement will continue unless terminated by YBCREW or you, upon notice and in accordance with the following terms and conditions:
    1. We reserve the right to terminate this agreement immediately if payment for the services is not successful. YBCREW will have no further obligation to you if any of the following events occur: 1) - If the amounts due are not paid - 2) - If the user is a public limited company and is convening a meeting with creditors or is subject to proceedings under the Insolvency Act 1986 and is unable to pay the debts as they fall under section 123 of the same Act – 3) If the user is a company and is going out of business or is in liquidation - 4) - If the user is a natural person and has been declared bankrupt - 5) - If the user enters into any form of agreement or compromise with any of your creditors as a natural person or legal entity - 6) - If the user is in breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement.
    2. The recruiter may terminate this contract in the following cases: 1) - In the event of expiry of the purchased product - 2) - In the event that YBCREW is in breach of this contract and has not remedied such breaches within 30 days of written notice of such breach - 3) - If YACHTBOOK becomes insolvent, ceases trading, or goes bankrupt or is subject to bankruptcy proceedings - 4) - The customer's request to terminate the purchased commercial package is lawfully accepted. In such cases, the user is not entitled to any kind of compensation or refund and also loses any bonuses that may have accrued immediately.